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On a successful match of a sequence, task or function (including system task/function) can be called.

Calling functions or tasks in a sequence example

On matching a sequence, function func is called and its return value is stored locally in variable value and system task $display is used to print the local variable.

sequence seq;
  logic value;
  req1 ##1 (req2, value = func, $display("Output of function value = %0h", value)) ;

Instantiation of property in another property

The property expression can be instantiated in another property as shown in the below example.

Instantiation of property in another property example

property p1(req1, req2);
  req1 |-> req2;

property p2;
  @(posedge clk);
  Req3 ##2 |=> 
      p1(req1, req2)
    else out = 0;