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The implication operator does a property check conditionally if the sequential antecedent is matched.


sequence_exp |-> property_exp
sequence_exp |=> property_exp

The LHS operand sequence_exp is called an antecedent

The RHS operand property_exp is called a consequent

Type of Implication

  1. Overlapped implication
  2. Non-overlapped implication

Overlapped implication

The overlapped implication operator is denoted by the |-> symbol.

The evaluation of the consequent starts immediately on the same clock cycle if the antecedent holds true.

The consequent is not evaluated if the antecedent is not true.


property prop;
  @(posedge clk) valid |-> (a ##3 b);
Overlapped implication

Non-overlapped implication

The non-overlapped implication operator is denoted by the |=> symbol.

The evaluation of the consequent starts in the next clock cycle if the antecedent holds true.

The consequent is not evaluated if the antecedent is not true.


property prop;
  @(posedge clk) valid |=> (a ##3 b);
non-overlapped implication