Multiple clocks in sequence and property
Multiple clocks in sequence
For writing sequence or expression for multiple clocks supported design, ##1 (single delay) is used as a concatenation operator.
@(posedge clkA) <exp_A/seqA> ##1 @(posedge clkB) <exp_B/seq_B>
The above sequence is said to be matched if
- The match happens for <exp_A> starts with posedge of clkA
- ##1 denotes a time for the nearest subsequent posedge of clkB, and <exp_B> is evaluated for posedge clkB.
- No other operator other than ##1 is used.
- Since ##1 is used as a concatenate operator, so it is ambiguous to use any other delay.
- Intersect, and, or operators are illegal to use.
Illegal use cases
Below examples are not legal incase of multiple clock sequences.
@(posedge clkA) seqA ##3 @(posedge clkB) seq_B
@(posedge clkA) seqA ##3 @(posedge clkB) seq_B
@(posedge clkA) seqA and @(posedge clkB) seq_B
Multiple clocks in sequence
The and, or, not operators can be used in properties having multiple clocks
property pA;
@(posedge clkA) req1 | req2;
property pB;
@(posedge clkB) req3 & req2;
property multi_clock_p;
@(posedge clk) en |=> pA and pB;
For assert for multi_clock_p, on posedge clk, en is true then property pA and pB is checked.
Clock resolution in multi clock assertions
Refer Clock Resolution for better understanding.
- The default or inferred clock is not allowed in multi clock assertion
- The multi-clock property can not be used in procedural and clocking blocks.
- It is mandatory to use an explicit clock in the multi-clock assertion.
Illegal use cases
initial @(posedge clk) assert property (multi_clk_p);
always @(posedge clk) assert property (multi_clk_p);
SystemVerilog Assertions