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Sequence Items in UVM
All user-defined sequence items are extended from the uvm_sequence_item class as it leverages generating stimulus and has control capabilities for the sequence-sequencer mechanism.
uvm_sequence_item class hierarchy

As shown in the above diagram, uvm_sequence_item is derived from the uvm_transaction class.
It supports all methods like copy, compare, clone, print, etc as discussed in the UVM object section.
uvm_sequence_item example
class seq_item extends uvm_seqeunce_item;
rand int value;
rand color_type colors;
rand byte data[4];
rand bit [7:0] addr;
`uvm_field_int(value, UVM_ALL_ON)
`uvm_field_string(names, UVM_ALL_ON)
`uvm_field_enum(color_type, colors, UVM_ALL_ON)
`uvm_field_sarray_int(data, UVM_ALL_ON)
`uvm_field_int(addr, UVM_ALL_ON)
function new(string name = "my_object");
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