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The UVM factory is used to create UVM objects and components. This is commonly known as factory registration. The factory registration for UVM objects and components are lightweight proxies to the actual objects and components.

Guidelines for writing class for uvm_object/ uvm_component

  1. Factory registration
  2. Default constructor new()
  3. Component and object creation

Factory registration

All uvm_component and uvm_object must be registered with the factory using a pre-defined factory registration macro.

Factory registration for uvm_object

class reg_seq extends uvm_sequence #(seq_item);
  // factory registration for sequence

// For parameterized class
class param_obj #(int WIDTH = 16, ID = 0) extends uvm_object;
  typedef param_obj #(int WIDTH, ID) obj_p;

Factory registration for uvm_component

class reg_driver extends uvm_driver;
  // factory registration for driver component

// For parameterized class
class param_env #(int WIDTH = 32, ID = 0) extends uvm_env;
  typedef param_env #(int WIDTH, ID) env_p;

Default constructor new()

The uvm_component and uvm_object constructors are virtual methods i.e. they have fixed prototype template defined that has to be followed.

Constructor for uvm_object

The default constructor has a single argument as the name denotes an instance name for an object.

class reg_seq extends uvm_sequence #(seq_item);

  // default constructor for sequence
  function new(string name = "reg_seq")

Constructor for uvm_component

The default constructor has two arguments: name and parent

  1. The name denotes an instance name for an object.
  2. The parent denotes the handle to its parent. In the constructor, the parent argument is null and the actual parent can be provided while creating an object.
    The parent is null if it is a top-level component and all other derived components provide the actual parent.
  3. All derived classes must call super.new() methods.
  4. Default arguments provide an initial assignment. Later, it is reassigned with other values on calling the create() method of the uvm_component_registry wrapper class.
class env extends uvm_env;

  // default constructor for sequence
  function new(string name = "env", uvm_component parent = null)
    super.new(name, parent);

Component and object creation

The create() method of the wrapper class is used to create objects for the uvm_object and uvm_component class.

  1. The build_phase is used to create component instances and build component hierarchy.
  2. Since uvm_object is created in the run time, uvm objects are created in the run_phase.

Syntax for Component creation:

<instance_name> = <type>::<type_id>::create("<name>", <parent>)

Syntax for Object creation:

<instance_name> = <type>::<type_id>::create("<name>")


class env extends uvm_env;
  mycomponent compA;
  param_component #(.WIDTH(8), .ID(1)) compB;

  // default constructor for sequence
  function new(string name = "env", uvm_component parent = null)
    super.new(name, parent);

  function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    // component creation
    compA = mycomponent::type_id::create("compA", this); 
    compB = param_component #(8, 1)::type_id::create("compB", this); 
  task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    mysequence seqA;
    param_sequence #(.WIDTH(8), .ID(1)) seqB;

    // object creation
    seqA = mysequence::type_id::create("seqA");
    seqB = param_sequence #(8,1)::type_id::create("seqB");

Why is factory registration required?

In UVM based testbench, it is valid to use a new() function to create class objects, but factory registration has its benefits. The UVM factory allows an object of one type to be overridden with an object of its derived type without changing the testbench structure. This is known as the UVM factory override mechanism. This is applicable for uvm objects and components.