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When control bit CTRL decides whether to do addition or subtraction for two 4 bit integers A and B. The signal CTRL is attached to one of the inputs of the XOR gate and another input is connected to B.

CTRL = 0: Addition is performed (A + B)

CTRL = 1: Subtraction is performed. XOR gate output becomes a complement of B. So, addition is performed as A + (-B)

If Cout = 1, ignore it and sum S is the answer and if it is 0, Sum S represents 2’s complement of the answer and the number is negative.

Block Diagram

4 bit adder subtractor

4 bit Adder Subtractor Verilog Code

module full_adder(
  input a, b, cin,
  output sum, cout
  assign {sum, cout} = {a^b^cin, ((a & b) | (b & cin) | (a & cin))};
  //assign sum = a^b^cin;
  //assign cout = (a & b) | (b & cin) | (a & cin);

module ripple_carry_adder_subtractor #(parameter SIZE = 4) (
  input [SIZE-1:0] A, B, 
  input CTRL,
  output [SIZE-1:0] S, Cout);
  bit [SIZE-1:0] Bc;
  genvar g;
  assign Bc[0] = B[0] ^ CTRL;
  full_adder fa0(A[0], Bc[0], CTRL, S[0], Cout[0]);
  generate  // This will instantial full_adder SIZE-1 times
    for(g = 1; g<SIZE; g++) begin
      assign Bc[g] = B[g] ^ CTRL;
      full_adder fa(A[g], Bc[g], Cout[g-1], S[g], Cout[g]);

Testbench Code

module RCAS_TB;
  wire [3:0] S, Cout;
  reg [3:0] A, B;
  reg ctrl;
  ripple_carry_adder_subtractor rcas(A, B, ctrl, S, Cout);
  initial begin
    $monitor("CTRL=%b: A = %b, B = %b --> S = %b, Cout[3] = %b", ctrl, A, B, S, Cout[3]);
    ctrl = 0;
    A = 1; B = 0;
    #3 A = 2; B = 4;
    #3 A = 4'hb; B = 4'h6;
    #3 A = 5; B = 3;
    ctrl = 1;
    A = 1; B = 0;
    #3 A = 2; B = 4;
    #3 A = 4'hb; B = 4'h6;
    #3 A = 5; B = 3;
    #3 $finish;
  initial begin


CTRL=0: A = 0001, B = 0000 --> S = 0001, Cout[3] = 0
CTRL=0: A = 0010, B = 0100 --> S = 0110, Cout[3] = 0
CTRL=0: A = 1011, B = 0110 --> S = 0001, Cout[3] = 1
CTRL=1: A = 0001, B = 0000 --> S = 0001, Cout[3] = 1
CTRL=1: A = 0010, B = 0100 --> S = 1110, Cout[3] = 0
CTRL=1: A = 1011, B = 0110 --> S = 0101, Cout[3] = 1
CTRL=1: A = 0101, B = 0011 --> S = 0010, Cout[3] = 1