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In Booth’s multiplier works on Booth’s Algorithm that does the multiplication of 2’s complement notation of two signed binary numbers.


  1. Less complexity
  2. Faster Multiplication
  3. Consecutive additions are replaced
  4. Ease in scaling


  1. High power consumption
  2. Large chip area

Flow chart of Booth’s Algorithm

Please note of below abbreviations used:

A – holds Multiplicand

B – holds Multiplier

Q = B

Q0 – holds 0th bit (LSB) of Q register

Q-1 – 1-bit variable/register.

Acc – Accumulator holds the result of intermediate addition/subtraction.

Count = max(width of multiplicand register, width of multiplier register)

Booth Multiplier Flow chart

Booth’s Multiplier Verilog Code

module half_adder(input a, b, output s0, c0);
  assign s0 = a ^ b;
  assign c0 = a & b;

module full_adder(input a, b, cin, output s0, c0);
  assign s0 = a ^ b ^ cin;
  assign c0 = (a & b) | (b & cin) | (a & cin);

module array_multiplier(input [3:0] A, B, output [7:0] z);
  reg signed p[4][4];
  wire [10:0] c; // c represents carry of HA/FA
  wire [5:0] s;  // s represents sum of HA/FA
  // For ease and readability, two diffent name s and c are used instead of single wire name.
  genvar g;
    for(g = 0; g<4; g++) begin
      and a0(p[g][0], A[g], B[0]);
      and a1(p[g][1], A[g], B[1]);
      and a2(p[g][2], A[g], B[2]);
      and a3(p[g][3], A[g], B[3]);
  assign z[0] = p[0][0];

  //row 0
  half_adder h0(p[0][1], p[1][0], z[1], c[0]);
  half_adder h1(p[1][1], p[2][0], s[0], c[1]);
  half_adder h2(p[2][1], p[3][0], s[1], c[2]);
  full_adder f0(p[0][2], c[0], s[0], z[2], c[3]);
  full_adder f1(p[1][2], c[1], s[1], s[2], c[4]);
  full_adder f2(p[2][2], c[2], p[3][1], s[3], c[5]);
  full_adder f3(p[0][3], c[3], s[2], z[3], c[6]);
  full_adder f4(p[1][3], c[4], s[3], s[4], c[7]);
  full_adder f5(p[2][3], c[5], p[3][2], s[5], c[8]);
  half_adder h3(c[6], s[4], z[4], c[9]);
  full_adder f6(c[9], c[7], s[5], z[5], c[10]);
  full_adder f7(c[10], c[8], p[3][3], z[6], z[7]);

Testbench Code

// vlsiverify.com
module TB;
  reg [3:0] A, B;
  wire [7:0] P;
  array_multiplier am(A,B,P);
  initial begin
    $monitor("A = %b: B = %b --> P = %b, P(dec) = %0d", A, B, P, P);
    A = 1; B = 0; #3;
    A = 7; B = 5; #3;
    A = 8; B = 9; #3;
    A = 4'hf; B = 4'hf;


A = 0001: B = 0000 --> P = 00000000, P(dec) = 0
A = 0111: B = 0101 --> P = 00100011, P(dec) = 35
A = 1000: B = 1001 --> P = 01001000, P(dec) = 72
A = 1111: B = 1111 --> P = 11100001, P(dec) = 225