An encoder basically converts ‘M’ input lines (can be decimal, hex, octal, etc) to coded ‘N’ output lines. Various encoders can be designed like decimal-to-binary encoders, octal-to-binary encoders, decimal- to-BCD encoders, etc
An encoder basically shrinks receiving many input data lines to the output lines. This is helpful in reducing input data lines for further processing.
Block Diagram
Binary Encoder
The binary encoder converts M (=2^n) input lines to N (=n) coded binary code. It is also known as a digital encoder. A single input line must be high for valid coded output, otherwise, the output line will be invalid. To address this limitation, the priority encoder prioritizes each input line when multiple input lines are set to high.
Nomenclature: M: N encoder where M denotes input lines and N denotes coded output lines.
8:3 Binary Encoder
Block Diagram
![binary encoder](https://vlsiverify.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/binary-encoder.jpg)
Truth Table
![binary encoder truth table](https://vlsiverify.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/binary-encoder-truth-table-1024x566.png)
Logical Expression
y2 = D4 + D5 + D6 + D7
y1 = D2 + D3 + D6 + D7
y0 = D1 + D3 + D5 + D7
8:3 Binary Encoder Verilog Code
module binary_encoder(
input [7:0] D,
output [2:0] y);
assign y[2] = D[4] | D[5] | D[6] | D[7];
assign y[1] = D[2] | D[3] | D[6] | D[7];
assign y[0] = D[1] | D[3] | D[5] | D[7];
Testbench Code
module tb;
reg [7:0] D;
wire [2:0] y;
int i;
binary_encoder bin_enc(D, y);
initial begin
D=8'b1; #1;
for(i=0; i<8; i++) begin
$display("D = %h(in dec:%0d) -> y = %0h", D, i, y);
D=D<<1; #1;
D = 01(in dec:0) -> y = 0
D = 02(in dec:1) -> y = 1
D = 04(in dec:2) -> y = 2
D = 08(in dec:3) -> y = 3
D = 10(in dec:4) -> y = 4
D = 20(in dec:5) -> y = 5
D = 40(in dec:6) -> y = 6
D = 80(in dec:7) -> y = 7
Verilog Codes