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Array multiplier is similar to how we perform multiplication with pen and paper i.e. finding a partial product and adding them together. It is simple architecture for implementation.


  1. Delay in computation and high power consumption
  2. Physical implementation takes a large area.


  1. Simple implementation that uses an add-shift algorithm.
  2. Easy to route and scalable.

Let’s understand its design implementation with a 4 x 4 unsigned array multiplier.



A – Multiplicand

B – Multiplier

p00 – a0b0

p10 – a1b0

p20 – a2b0


Block Diagram

array multiplier block diagram

Array Multiplier Verilog Code

module half_adder(input a, b, output s0, c0);
  assign s0 = a ^ b;
  assign c0 = a & b;

module full_adder(input a, b, cin, output s0, c0);
  assign s0 = a ^ b ^ cin;
  assign c0 = (a & b) | (b & cin) | (a & cin);

module array_multiplier(input [3:0] A, B, output [7:0] z);
  reg signed p[4][4];
  wire [10:0] c; // c represents carry of HA/FA
  wire [5:0] s;  // s represents sum of HA/FA
  // For ease and readability, two diffent name s and c are used instead of single wire name.
  genvar g;
    for(g = 0; g<4; g++) begin
      and a0(p[g][0], A[g], B[0]);
      and a1(p[g][1], A[g], B[1]);
      and a2(p[g][2], A[g], B[2]);
      and a3(p[g][3], A[g], B[3]);
  assign z[0] = p[0][0];

  //row 0
  half_adder h0(p[0][1], p[1][0], z[1], c[0]);
  half_adder h1(p[1][1], p[2][0], s[0], c[1]);
  half_adder h2(p[2][1], p[3][0], s[1], c[2]);
  full_adder f0(p[0][2], c[0], s[0], z[2], c[3]);
  full_adder f1(p[1][2], c[1], s[1], s[2], c[4]);
  full_adder f2(p[2][2], c[2], p[3][1], s[3], c[5]);
  full_adder f3(p[0][3], c[3], s[2], z[3], c[6]);
  full_adder f4(p[1][3], c[4], s[3], s[4], c[7]);
  full_adder f5(p[2][3], c[5], p[3][2], s[5], c[8]);
  half_adder h3(c[6], s[4], z[4], c[9]);
  full_adder f6(c[9], c[7], s[5], z[5], c[10]);
  full_adder f7(c[10], c[8], p[3][3], z[6], z[7]);

Testbench Code

module TB;
  reg [3:0] A, B;
  wire [7:0] P;
  array_multiplier am(A,B,P);
  initial begin
    $monitor("A = %b: B = %b --> P = %b, P(dec) = %0d", A, B, P, P);
    A = 1; B = 0; #3;
    A = 7; B = 5; #3;
    A = 8; B = 9; #3;
    A = 4'hf; B = 4'hf;


A = 0001: B = 0000 --> P = 00000000, P(dec) = 0
A = 0111: B = 0101 --> P = 00100011, P(dec) = 35
A = 1000: B = 1001 --> P = 01001000, P(dec) = 72
A = 1111: B = 1111 --> P = 11100001, P(dec) = 225