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Gray to Binary Code Converter
Gray code has its own applications and we have seen how binary code is converted to the Gray code in the previous post Binary to Gray Code Converter.
Let’s Gray code to Binary code implementation in Verilog.
Truth Table
![gray to binary code converter truth table](https://vlsiverify.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/gray-to-binary-code-converter-truth-table.jpg)
By solving using K-map technique, a simple combinational circuit turned out as
![gray to binary code converter](https://vlsiverify.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/gray-to-binary-code-converter.jpg)
Gray to Binary Code Converter Verilog code
module g2b_converter #(parameter WIDTH=4) (input [WIDTH-1:0] gray, output [WIDTH-1:0] binary);
assign binary[0] = gray[3] ^ gray[2] ^ gray[1] ^ gray[0];
assign binary[1] = gray[3] ^ gray[2] ^ gray[1];
assign binary[2] = gray[3] ^ gray[2];
assign binary[3] = gray[3];
// OR
genvar i;
for(i=0;i<WIDTH;i++) begin
assign binary[i] = ^(gray >> i);
Testbench Code
module TB;
reg [3:0] binary, gray;
g2b_converter g2b(gray, binary);
initial begin
$monitor("Gray = %b --> Binary = %b", gray, binary);
gray = 4'b1110; #1;
gray = 4'b0100; #1;
gray = 4'b0111; #1;
gray = 4'b1010; #1;
gray = 4'b1000;
Gray = 1110 --> Binary = 1011
Gray = 0100 --> Binary = 0111
Gray = 0111 --> Binary = 0101
Gray = 1010 --> Binary = 1100
Gray = 1000 --> Binary = 1111
Verilog Codes