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Priority Encoder
The priority encoder overcome the drawback of binary encoder that generates invalid output for more than one input line is set to high. The priority encoder prioritizes each input line and provides an encoder output corresponding to its highest input priority.
The priority encoder is widely used in digital applications. One common example of a microprocessor detecting the highest priority interrupt. The priority encoders are also used in navigation systems, robotics for controlling arm positions, communication systems, etc.
8:3 Priority Encoder
Block Diagram

Truth Table

8:3 Priority Encoder Verilog Code
module priority_encoder(
input [7:0] D,
output reg [2:0] y);
always@(D) begin
8'b1xxx_xxxx: y = 3'b111;
8'b01xx_xxxx: y = 3'b110;
8'b001x_xxxx: y = 3'b101;
8'b0001_xxxx: y = 3'b100;
8'b0000_1xxx: y = 3'b011;
8'b0000_01xx: y = 3'b010;
8'b0000_001x: y = 3'b001;
8'b0000_0001: y = 3'b000;
default: $display("Invalid data received");
Testbench Code
module tb;
reg [7:0] D;
wire [2:0] y;
priority_encoder pri_enc(D, y);
initial begin
$monitor("D = %b -> y = %0b", D, y);
repeat(5) begin
D=$random; #1;
D = 00100100 -> y = 101
D = 10000001 -> y = 111
D = 00001001 -> y = 11
D = 01100011 -> y = 110
D = 00001101 -> y = 11
Verilog Codes