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As we discussed full adder can add single bit two inputs and extra carry bit generated from its previous stage. To add multiple ‘n’ bits binary sequence, multiples cascaded full adders can be used which can generate a carry bit and be applied to the next stage full adder as an input till the last stage of full adder. This appears as carry-bit ripples to the next stage, hence it is known as “Ripple carry adder”.

Ripple carry adder delay computation

Worst case delay = [(n-1) full adder * carry propagation delay of each adder] + sum propagation delay of each full adder

Block Diagram

ripple carry adder

Disadvantage of Ripple Carry Adder

A carry bit ripples to the next stage, all stages of full adders are not simultaneously used. Each full adder stage needs to be generated first before it can add the next stage two numbers, thus it introduces propagation delay in computation. This is why the ripple carry adder is slower.

This issue is addressed by ‘Carry Look Ahead Adder’.

Advantage of Ripple Carry Adder

Due to its simple layout and less design complexity, it allows for fast design time.

Ripple Carry Adder Verilog Code

module full_adder(
  input a, b, cin,
  output sum, cout
  assign {sum, cout} = {a^b^cin, ((a & b) | (b & cin) | (a & cin))};
  //assign sum = a^b^cin;
  //assign cout = (a & b) | (b & cin) | (a & cin);

module ripple_carry_adder #(parameter SIZE = 4) (
  input [SIZE-1:0] A, B, 
  input Cin,
  output [SIZE-1:0] S, Cout);
  genvar g;
  full_adder fa0(A[0], B[0], Cin, S[0], Cout[0]);
  generate  // This will instantiate full_adder SIZE-1 times
    for(g = 1; g<SIZE; g++) begin
      full_adder fa(A[g], B[g], Cout[g-1], S[g], Cout[g]);

Testbench Code

module RCA_TB;
  wire [3:0] S, Cout;
  reg [3:0] A, B;
  reg Cin;
  wire[4:0] add;
  ripple_carry_adder rca(A, B, Cin, S, Cout);
  assign add = {Cout[3], S};
  initial begin
    $monitor("A = %b: B = %b, Cin = %b --> S = %b, Cout[3] = %b, Addition = %0d", A, B, Cin, S, Cout[3], add);
    A = 1; B = 0; Cin = 0; #3;
    A = 2; B = 4; Cin = 1; #3;
    A = 4'hb; B = 4'h6; Cin = 0; #3;
    A = 5; B = 3; Cin = 1; #3;
  initial begin


A = 0001: B = 0000, Cin = 0 --> S = 0001, Cout[3] = 0, Addition = 1
A = 0010: B = 0100, Cin = 1 --> S = 0111, Cout[3] = 0, Addition = 7
A = 1011: B = 0110, Cin = 0 --> S = 0001, Cout[3] = 1, Addition = 17
A = 0101: B = 0011, Cin = 1 --> S = 1001, Cout[3] = 0, Addition = 9