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To specify synchronization scheme and timing requirements for an interface, a clocking block is used. The testbench can have multiple clocking blocks but only one clocking block per clock. The clocking block can be declared in the program, module, or interface.


clocking <clocking_name> (<clocking event>);
  Default input <delay> output <delay>;

Advantages of clocking block

  1. It provides a group of signals that are synchronous with a particular clock in DUT and testbench
  2. Provides a facility to specify timing requirements between clock and signals.

Clocking event

To synchronize the clocking block, a clocking event is used. The clocking event governs the timing of all signals mentioned in that clocking block. All input or inout signals are sampled on the occurrence corresponding clock event. Similarly, output or inout are also driven by the occurrence of the corresponding clock event.


@(posedge clk) or @(negedge clk)

Clocking Skew

The input or output clocking block signals can be sampled before or after some time unit delay known as clocking skew. It is declared as:

default input #2 output #3;

Input clocking skew: #2

Output clocking skew: #3

This means input signals is sampled #2 time unit before the clocking event and output signals are driven after #3 time units after the clocking event.

The input and output skews must be either parameter or constant. By default, input and output skews are 0 time units if not specified. It is possible to specify particular time units otherwise by default skews are considered based on the timescale in the current scope.

Note: In the clocking block, the direction of signals is mentioned w.r.t. testbench (not w.r.t. DUT).

Legal clocking block declaration

clocking cb @(negedge clk);
 default input #2 output #3;
  input ...
  output ...

clocking cb @(clk); // clocking event without edge
 default input #2 output negedge;  //outputs are driven on negedge clk
  input ...
  output ...

clocking cb @(posedge clk);
 default input #1 output negedge;  //outputs are driven on negedge clk
  input ...
  output ...

clocking cb @(posedge clk);
 default input #1ps output #4; // explicit declaration of time unit
  input ...
  output ...

clocking cb @(posedge clk);
 default input #1ps output #4; // explicit declaration of time unit
  input #2ps <signal_name>;
  input #3 output #4 <signal_name>;

Clocking Block Example

Design Code:

module multiplier(mult_if.RTL inf);
  always@(posedge inf.clk or posedge inf.reset) begin 
    if(inf.reset) begin 
      inf.out <= 0;
      inf.ack <= 0;
    else if(inf.en) begin
      inf.out <= inf.a * inf.b;
      inf.ack <= 1;
    else inf.ack <= 0;

TB Code:

interface mult_if (input logic clk, reset);
  logic [7:0] a, b;
  logic [15:0] out;
  logic en;
  logic ack;
  clocking cb @(posedge clk);
    default input #1 output #2;
    input out, ack;
    output a,b, en;
  modport TB (clocking cb, input clk, reset);
  modport RTL (input clk, reset, a,b, en, output out, ack);

module tb_top;
  bit clk;
  bit reset;
  always #2 clk = ~clk;
  initial begin
    clk = 0;
    reset = 1;
    reset = 0;
  mult_if inf(clk, reset);
  multiplier DUT(inf);
  `define TB_IF inf.TB.cb
  initial begin
    `TB_IF.a <= 'd5; `TB_IF.b <= 'd6;    
    `TB_IF.en <= 1;
    #10 `TB_IF.en <= 0;
    $display("time = %0t: a=%d b=%d, out=%d", $time, inf.a,inf.b,inf.out);
    `TB_IF.a <= 'd20; `TB_IF.b <= 'd7;
    #5ns `TB_IF.en <= 1;
    #6 `TB_IF.en <= 0;
    $display("time = %0t: a=%d b=%d, out=%d", $time, inf.a,inf.b,inf.out);
    `TB_IF.a <= 'd10; `TB_IF.b <= 'd4;
    #6ns `TB_IF.en <= 1;
    #5 `TB_IF.en <= 0;
    $display("time = %0t: a=%d b=%d, out=%d", $time, inf.a,inf.b,inf.out);



time = 15: a=  5 b=  6, out=   30
time = 54: a= 20 b=  7, out=  140
time = 94: a= 10 b=  4, out=   40

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