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An interface represents signals that are used to connect design modules or testbench to the DUT and commonly known as a physical interface. The design and physical interface are static in nature. Hence, they can not be used dynamically. In modern testbench, randomized class objects are used and connect to the design dynamically. Hence, to bridge the gap between the static world of modules and the dynamic world of objects, a virtual interface is used as a pointer or handle for an actual interface.

Features of the virtual interface

  1. The virtual interface must be pointed to the actual or physical interface. This is also known as virtual interface initialization.
  2. Before accessing or driving to the virtual interface, it must be initialized otherwise it will cause a fatal run-time error as it has a null value.
  3. The virtual interfaces can be passed to the functions and tasks as an argument.
  4. The virtual interface can be declared as class properties and it initialized an argument to the constructor or procedurally.
  5. The dynamic object can be assigned to the virtual interface. Also, interface values are recorded in the dynamic object by accessing the virtual interface.
  6. They can be assigned to another virtual interface having the same type using ‘=’ operator.


virtual <interface_name> <interface_instance>

Virtual interface Example

In the below multiplier example, the run() method from the drive class is driving the virtual interface. Refer test.sv file

program test(mult_if inf);
  class drive;
    virtual mult_if inf;
    // constructor
    function new(virtual mult_if inf);
      this.inf = inf; // virtual interface intialization
    task run();
      inf.a = 'd5; inf.b = 'd6;
      inf.en = 1;
      #10 inf.en = 0;
      $display("%0t: a=%d b=%d, out=%d", $time, inf.a,inf.b,inf.out);
      inf.a = 'd20; inf.b = 'd7;
      #5ns inf.en = 1;
      #6 inf.en = 0;
      $display("%0t: a=%d b=%d, out=%d", $time, inf.a,inf.b,inf.out);
      inf.a = 'd10; inf.b = 'd4;
      #6ns inf.en = 1;
      #5 inf.en = 0;
      $display("%0t: a=%d b=%d, out=%d", $time, inf.a,inf.b,inf.out);
  initial begin
    drive drv = new(inf);


15: a=  5 b=  6, out=   30
51: a= 20 b=  7, out=  140
87: a= 10 b=  4, out=   40

Now, let try to randomize the class to provide random stimulus to the DUT using a virtual interface.

program test(mult_if inf);
  class drive;
    rand bit [7:0] a, b;
  initial begin
    virtual mult_if vif;
    drive drv = new();
    vif = inf;
    repeat(3) begin
      @(posedge vif.clk);
      vif.a = drv.a;
      vif.b = drv.b;
      #2 vif.en = 1;
      #5 inf.en = 0;
      $display("%0t: a=%d b=%d, out=%d", $time, vif.a,vif.b,vif.out);


9: a=163 b=143, out=23309
37: a=214 b=151, out=32314
65: a=  1 b=222, out=  222

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